The limits of my language are the limits of my world.
Ludwig Wittgenstein
Literacy and communication are key skills, and it is our aim that pupils develop these skills so that they can communicate effectively and creatively through the spoken word and written language. From this flows an appreciation of language and literature, combined with an enthusiasm for, and awareness of, the rich tapestry that is the English language.
In the Pre-Prep many of the key English skills are taught through the 'Phonics Shed', a synthetic phonics programme which aims to instil a love of reading and writing through a stimulating environment. This enables each pupil to progress in reading and writing letter sounds at a pace that is suitable for the individual, and thereby decode efficiently and write with growing confidence.
We encourage the transfer of skills learnt in English to other curriculum subjects, promoting cross-curricular links in addition to providing opportunities for our pupils to write for different purposes, entertaining a range of audiences. We aim to nurture each individual pupil’s creative abilities in order to produce work that is unique and that the child is proud of.
We also provide opportunities for children to find their own voice through a range of speaking and listening exercises including LAMDA, debating, story-telling and performance poetry.
At Warwick Prep we inspire a love of learning through many creative activities and stimuli from outside visits from authors, theatre companies and studying a range of texts. Through our main and class libraries we develop the enjoyment of reading, to inspire and develop skills of enquiry and creativity.
Our teaching also prepares the girls for their schooling beyond Warwick Prep through the teaching of verbal reasoning in preparation for secondary school exams.