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Welcome from the Headmistress


"As you walk through the doors at Warwick Prep, you’ll discover an atmosphere that fosters an exceptional learning experience and encourages each individual pupil to be the very best he or she can be."

Hellen Dodsworth, Headmistress


The success of our school is firmly built around the pursuit of excellence in all we do. Our pupils follow a broad, varied and challenging curriculum taught by a multi-talented and exceptionally committed staff. We are very proud of and keen to uphold our tremendous academic reputation both locally and far beyond, enabling children to fulfil their potential and be the best they can be.

While they are with us, we also want them to enjoy the most rounded learning experience possible. To that end, we offer great strength and depth in both team and individual sports; we provide rich and diverse musical opportunities; we organise a broad and engaging programme of visits and extra-curricular activities designed to widen their interests and skills. We recognise the unique talents and skills of each individual child and aim to foster a lifelong love of learning enabling them to run, play, imagine and thrive.

All this is undertaken against the backdrop of a modern, top-tier learning and sporting environment. We also benefit greatly from being part of something bigger – the Warwick Schools Foundation comprises; Warwick Preparatory School, Warwick Junior School, King's High School, Warwick School and The Kingsley School. This gives us access to further exceptional facilities including the Bridge House Theatre, a 25 metre indoor swimming pool and a lot more besides. We are a big school with all the benefits that scale brings, but as one parent memorably put it, "Warwick Prep makes big feel small."

I hope you enjoy your look through our website. It gives a taste of the kind of school we are and the qualities and values that underpin everything we do. But the way to fully appreciate what really makes Warwick Prep such a vibrant, dynamic, happy and special place is to pay us a visit. Do visit us on an Open Day or arrange a personal tour of the school with me. I very much look forward to meeting you.

Hellen Dodsworth, Headmistress
Warwick Preparatory School