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Personal, Health, Social and Economic Education (PSHEE) lessons at Warwick Prep are designed to promote children's personal, social and health development, and our principal aim is that our pupils develop the skills which will help them to deal with the issues and problems they will face in everyday life: getting on with others, growing up, the formation of values and increasing responsibility.


Pupils have a discrete PSHEE lesson each week, but this aspect of education is taking place at Warwick Prep all day every day.

In the Pre-Prep department the children learn to see themselves as valuable members of the classroom community and understand the part they play within this.  They learn to recognise what is fair and unfair and how to cooperate with others.  They find out about basic ways to keep safe and find help, including a visit from the Fire and Rescue Service.  They discover how to make simple choices and recognise the difference between right and wrong.  Pupils also learn about how to keep healthy and the importance of basic personal hygiene.

In the Prep department, we encourage pupils to play a positive role in contributing to the life of the school and the wider community.  We help develop the children's sense of self-worth and encourage them to learn to work well with others.  We teach them about rights, responsibilities and duties as individuals and members of a community.  They learn to appreciate what it means to be a positive member of a diverse, multicultural society.  We also hold regular elections for the School Council which develops an understanding of how a democratic society is organised and governed.

All these skills are encouraged and developed throughout their time at Warwick Prep.  A good example of this is the annual Squirrels' Market, which sells toys and books donated by the children. The Year 6 girls research and present information about different charities before deciding which to raise money for.  They take responsibility for setting up and running the stalls at the market and count up the money raised.

PSHE directly supports the school's aim to inspire the children to be the best that they can be.

What will my child study?

  • Year 1 - Rules and Relationships, Staying Safe, Friendship and Bullying, Being Healthy and Making Healthy Choices, How to Make Positive Contributions at School and at Home.
  • Year 2 - Keeping Safe, Hygiene and Safety at Home, Growing Up, Similarities and Differences: Friendships and Bullying, Making a Positive Contribution by Taking Responsibility.
  • Year 3 - Rights and Responsibilities at School, Personal Safety, Relationships and Self Esteem, Being Healthy.
  • Year 4 - Making Contribution to School Life and Communication Skills, Being Active, Staying Safe, Children’s Rights, Human Rights.
  • Year 5 - Politics, Making Decisions, Different Types of Relationships, Feelings, Puberty, First Aid.
  • Year 6 - Personal Organisation, Financial Capability, Stereotypes, Decision Making, New Challenges, Community Action (including careers)