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Second Hand Uniform

The WPSA Second Hand Uniform Shop offers Warwick Prep parents the facility to sell or buy nearly new items of school uniform. We pride ourselves on selling high quality second hand garments at a fair price which is often a fraction of the cost of new.  

Our Uniform Shop is open several times during the school term and payment can be made with cash, cheques and credit/debit cards.  Please see below for confirmed dates.

The WPSA Uniform Shop sells certain items on behalf of parents. For these items, the seller receives 70% of the selling price, and WPSA retains 30% to cover administration costs and also to make donations to school projects and WPSA charities. For the remaining items of uniform that are not sold on behalf of parents, we welcome donations, where WPSA receives 100% of the selling price.

Payments are issued to individual sellers twice per year, in January and July when the total amount exceeds £10. Any amount under £10 will be held over and added to the next payment. Payments are by online banking. If you sell through the shop and have not yet submitted your banking details please download and complete the Online Banking Form at the bottom of this page.

Upcoming Uniform Sales

  • Friday 4 April

Selling Uniform

If you wish to sell any of the approved items in the Uniform Shop, please read through the guidelines and links below.

We have developed new labels, which will be easier to complete and will also reduce the admin burden on volunteers. Please download the spreadsheet below and follow the steps in the instructions on the first sheet to complete your details. Your labels will be generated automatically on the second sheet, which you can then print out, cut up and attach with safety pins - not pins or staples. Once complete, please save the spreadsheet as detailed in the instructions, and email it to, which will eliminate the need for us to manually enter each item into our master stock sheet when we receive your uniform.

Please ensure that all items are freshly laundered and in good NEARLY NEW condition. We do not accept anything that is torn, stained, damaged or with missing buttons.

Uniform can be handed in at any of our Sales or dropped off at one of our designated sessions. Please do not leave uniform at the school office at present. Any items which are not labelled will be treated as donations and sales will go directly to WPSA.

Please drop off uniform OUTSIDE school at the Foyer Door (T) under the canopy on the following days:

  • Monday 31 March
  • Wednesday 2 April

Please click below and complete the banking details form so that we can process the payments:

Contacts: To contact the WPSA Second Hand Uniform Shop Representatives, please contact the Warwick Prep school office on 01926 491545 or email