Egyptian Day & More
Year 3 have been working incredibly hard during lockdown and completed lots of fantastic work on Seesaw.
They started using the skills of empathy and creativity when designing a garden at the start of their English lessons and have been studying Fantastic Mr Fox in detail. This has included character profiles, developing comprehension skills and exciting drama activities. In Maths, Year 3 have been using data in the form of tables, bar charts and tally charts and had fun measuring objects including heights of their peers and items at home. They found pets easy to estimate but in some situations difficult to measure, as they moved around!
The girls in Year 3 enjoyed a fantastic Egyptian Day to support their topic in History. They came dressed in wonderful outfits and got into the spirit of being an Egyptian. Amongst other activities, they made papyrus, wrote with hieroglyphics and created imaginative Egyptian items.
Back in school the Year 3 girls have been busy writing some amazing acrostic Spring poems.
For Skills for Life, Year 3 created a display showing different ways that they have demonstrated ‘Responsibility’. Examples included looking after pets, loading the dishwasher and making breakfast.