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Latest News

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  • New Music School

    Published 29/10/20
    Our stunning new Music School is now in full swing.  The high-tech Music School provides state-of-the-art facilities for King’s High and Warwick Prep.  These include an auditorium, rehearsal studio (to include an o
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  • Threshing Machine in Action!

    Published 29/10/20
    Thank you to everyone across the Foundation who supported our Harvest Charity Appeal! The Threshing Machine has been in full use separating the grains from the chaff. This had made a significant difference to the sisters who work tirelessly to pummel
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  • WPSA MacMillan Bake Off

    Published 29/10/20
    It has been wonderful to see our pupils supporting the MacMillan Coffee Morning in so many different ways. From Virtual Coffee Mornings to baking delicious treats for the WPSA MacMillan Cupcake Bake Off. There were nearly 100 entries into the Ba
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  • Virtual Open Morning

    Published 29/10/20
    Thank you to everyone who attended our recent Warwick Prep Virtual Open Morning. We hope you gained a real insight into Warwick Prep and everything that makes our school so very special. For those of you who were unable to attend, or if you'd
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  • Autumn Walks and Conkers

    Published 29/10/20
    From planting crocus bulbs to hedgehog pictures and vegetable painting, our Nursery children at Warwick Prep have been learning about all things Autumn.  The children have also had some great fun on their Autumn walks across our 55 acre Found
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  • Charity News

    Published 27/10/20

    Show Racism the Red Card

    Thank you to everyone who has supported this Foundation non-uniform day. In total Warwick Prep have raised £765.50 for Show Racism the Red Card. Thank you for your contributions. 

    Children in Need - half term art competition & crazy hair!

    All pupils are invited to draw a friend for Pudsey Bear. Mrs Hemming will be judging the competition and selecting a winner in each year group. Please ensure that all entries have your child’s name and form clearly marked on the back and return them to school by Friday 6 November, in a sealed envelope, including £1.00 entrance fee. All the money will be donated to Children in Need, and there will be small prize for the winners.

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