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Page 36

  • Music Round Up

    Published 01/07/21

    Congratulations to everyone who has taken a music exam over the last few weeks. Whether in or out of school, face-to-face or recorded performances, it is wonderful that so many girls are making such great progress.

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  • An Exciting Week for Sport

    Published 25/06/21

    What an exciting week it has been at Warwick Prep. We kicked of the week with Nursery sports day and finished with Reception. Both had an array of events for the children to compete in, including throwing, running, and jumping. The Nursery even had a land-based triathlon! 

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  • News from our Digital Leaders

    Published 18/06/21

    Our Year 5 Digital Leaders have been busy putting together some information about online safety.

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  • At Home for Your House!

    Published 18/06/21

    For our next event, we are challenging each house to raise as much money as possible for their chosen charity throughout the month of June. Our house Captains & Vice Captains have selected the following causes to support

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  • News from Cyber Cyril

    Published 15/06/21

    Cyber Cyril has been looking into cyberbullying this week and has been alarmed at the statistics that parents need to know. Incidents of cyberbullying have increased, with 12% of 9-16 year olds experiencing cyberbullying.  It’s important to know that technology doesn’t cause people to behave badly, but some people use it to carry out harmful actions.

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  • Year 4 visit Forest School

    Published 28/05/21

    As part of their Geography topic on 'sustainability', Year 4 have enjoyed visiting our fantastic Forest School. 

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  • Poetry by Heart Finalists

    Published 27/05/21

    Thank you to all the children who entered the Poetry By Heart competition last term. It was lovely to see so many of our pupils learning and performing a poem by heart. It was a tough decision indeed, but the finalists for this year are below.  

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  • Challenge Academy

    Published 27/05/21

    Year 6 had a great time on their school trip to Challenge Academy on Monday.

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  • Muddy Stilettos' 'Summer of Play' Article

    Published 26/05/21

    We are delighted to feature in Muddy Stilettos' ‘Summer of Play’ article where Mrs Dodsworth talks to Muddy Stilettos about the joys of playtime, outdoor learning and our wonderful Forest School.

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  • Year 4 Flour Friends

    Published 26/05/21

    The Year 4 girls had a super time taking part in their Skills for Life Project Fortnight, "Flour Friends"!

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  • News from Cyber Cyril

    Published 20/05/21

    1 in 4 teenagers receives unwanted inappropriate messages online.* Has Cyril got your attention?

    Since the start of the pandemic the amount of ‘self-generated’ abuse imagery has increased dramatically, 77% on the previous year! In 80% of the cases, the victims were 11-13 year old girls in their own homes!**

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  • Make Your Money Grow

    Published 12/05/21

    Last week, our Year 6 pupils were truly ‘unstoppable’ and clearly demonstrated their entrepreneurial skills by running their very own ‘Make your money Grow’ stalls.

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