Our Aims
Our Wellbeing Ambassador aims for 2022/23 academic year are:
- Write our aims
- Write a ‘respect’ pledge
- Plan and lead assemblies for Warwick Prep pupils
- Create a Wellbeing Ambassador display board
- Continue to create a culture of kindness in our school
- Create a child-friendly anti-bullying charter
- Act as role models in and outside our school
- ‘Shout’ about how bullying is not acceptable in our school
- Be upstanders and stand up to bullying in our school
- Design a Wellbeing Ambassador uniform
- Support children who feel they are being bullied
- Organise exciting and helpful events throughout the year to promote anti-bullying and wellbeing
- As Wellbeing Ambassadors be on duty, in our uniforms, at playtimes and lunchtimes to support all pupils
- Encourage pupils to use their personal networks, worry monsters and Tell Me Boxes
- Produce a Wellbeing Ambassador platform on the school’s website
- To work towards achieving our Anti-Bullying Diana Award badges
- Provide pupils and parents with help and advice
- Write a monthly Wellbeing blog
- Review our school's Anti-Bullying policy and work on our Anti-Bullying procedures
- Hold and lead an information an evening for parents