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Eco Council Christmas Decoration Winners!

The Warwick Prep School Eco Councillors held an Eco Christmas Decoration competition where each entry needed to be made from recycled items.

Mrs Griggs and the Eco Councillors were very impressed with the amazing decorations! The Councillors judged each entry and, after much deliberation, selected the winners. They then hung all the decorations on the tree in the Foyer. They look wonderful!

Congratulations to the following winners:

Nursery: Kenzo in NHT
Reception: Saxon in REB
Year 1:  Arabella in 1JB
Year 2: Teddy in 2JW
Year 3: Annabelle in 3LW 
Year 4: Clara in 4LG
Year 5: Emily in 5AM
Year 6: Eloise in 6JJ

The winners will receive a special certificate and pack of seed bombs to encourage wild flowers!